That’s Entertainment

That’s Entertainment.


Celebrity Eclipse theater

On the first night of our cruise in Celebrity Eclipse it was easy to find a seat in the theatre, but as the cruise progressed it became harder to find a seat unless you arrived 15 to 20 minutes early.
The problem was that the first show of the evening started at 7.00 pm, (each show lasted 45 minutes ) but dinner began at 6.00 pm and if the restaurant was busy we would skip pudding & coffee to make sure we had a seat. A couple of nights we did stand because all seats had been taken.
The next show time was at 9.00 pm but this time slot did not fit our body clock because we like to chat and listen to live music with a quiet drink between 9.00 to 10 pm before returning to our cabin.

The first night’s show was a comedian – Darren Summers, I’d not heard of him, but he was entertaining, and I have since found out that he had is own TV chat show.

Darren Sanders

The following night it was a singer.

Will Martin who looked very young, but what a voice . . he is a New Zealander who had a number one hit in the UK Classical music charts.
While playing the piano he sang classical pieces and was able to switch to Elton John’s musical style.
After his UK hit, he was selected by Andrew Lloyd Webber to sing the title track of the Starlight Express album.

Will Martin

The single acts were followed on the next night by a production show called Broadway. I must admit that I failed to grasp the story behind the show.

It is probably my fault being unable to grasp the point of the show.

As you see we had acrobats as well.

Van Anh Nguyen music was a lot easier to grasp the following evening.

Born in Sydney, Australia, of Vietnamese parents and she began to learn the piano at 15 months of age and was one of the youngest in her generation to receive the highest Australian music qualification attainable at the age of 12.

Van-Anh Nguyen

Later in the cruise we had Patrick McMahon , which was different, because would jump around like a jack-in-the-box while playing his guitar. Not my normal taste in music, but I enjoyed his antics.

Patrick McMahon

The following night it was a production called Rock City .

As you see it included acrobats.

It was OK, but not to my taste. The whole thing was loud and the singers had to compete with the orchestra so the words of the song were lost in the ‘noise’.

More acrobats to music, clever and the male acrobat was very strong as he held a girl as she swung through the air using his arms.

After an energetic show of Rock City, the following evening we were back to a single singer and this time is was Nikki Bennett who sang in the style of Helen Reddy. She gave us Helen Reddy’s background and the troubles that Helen Reddy went through during her life.

Nikki Bennett 

Nikki Bennett also sings in the style of Olivia Newton John and Judith Durham

Nikki Bennett

The Oz Boys of Motown

A slick professional show that was entertaining.

For some reason we only saw three of the group, and I only found out that there used to be four as I checked into their background.

 OZ Boys

A show by the ship’s singers and dancers based on Mozart’s music.



The following night it was Liam Cooper – the Australian piano man, who also sings Elton John music as well as Billy Joel, Peter Allen, Freddie Mercury etc he was very good.

Liam Cooper

Scroll down to the bottom of the link to hear his music, he was very popular and had the audience ‘jumping’.

As the cruise drew to an end, we had another production with dancers and acrobats.

Skillful but  . . .


I know I couldn’t do this . . .

Difficult to photograph with the stage lighting.

The final night was a mix of Liam Cooper, Nikki Bennett & Patrick McMahon, an excellent show for the last night. Each played different material than their first show.

Overall, the standard of the Celebrity shows were very good and entertaining and worth skipping the occasional pudding and coffee.

Not all of the entertainment was in the theatre – one of the bar staff in the Ensemble Lounge, she was always pleasant and happy.